HavServe Website

Thanks for the amazing work done for our NEW www.havserve.org!!! We all think we’re responsible for our own success, but we couldn’t do this amazing website without you guys who provided the tools we need in every page of the new website to reach the world one person at a time. We’re looking forward to the Annual HavServe’s Service Awards to celebrate you and tell our network that Strategia Solutions is the right company to partner with. Your advice and support in this process will be integral in promoting volunteerism and the Global Goals in Haiti online and in the field. Thanks again, and Go Strategia Team!

Carline Mesilus
Founder & President

Project Description

HavServe Volunteer Service Network (HavServe) was founded in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010. 

HavServe is a volunteer-driven not-for-profit 501(c)3 organisation that supports community-led development through volunteerism, by empowering villagers with the education, training, and basic services necessary for them to play an ever-increasing role in determining their own future.

Our team of developers and graphic designers developed a responsive modern website for the Havserve organisation. Havserve’s new upgraded website would now feature more robust features and functionalties such as a new volunteer application process, eCommerce shop, project portal integration, and a more extensive blog system of what was previously used by the Havserve team.

Thanks for the amazing work done for our NEW www.havserve.org!!! We all think we’re responsible for our own success, but we couldn’t do this amazing website without you guys who provided the tools we need in every page of the new website to reach the world one person at a time. We’re looking forward to the Annual HavServe’s Service Awards to celebrate you and tell our network that Strategia Solutions is the right company to partner with. Your advice and support in this process will be integral in promoting volunteerism and the Global Goals in Haiti online and in the field. Thanks again, and Go Strategia Team!

Carline Mesilus
Founder & President